Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Negotiating With Terrorists

Barack Hussein Obama initiates Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap which consisted of trading 5 highly dangerous senior Taliban terrorists for one man (a U.S. soldier that was not captured but voluntarily leaves post because of his disgust with his own country the U.S. his interpretation "spoiled/conceited country")  putting fellow soldiers in harms way. The Obama administration claims they did nothing wrong. Obama justifies his actions by insisting it helps towards peace talks, wants to cease fire in Afghanistan and hard decisions like this  had to be made even though these top Taliban leaders who will look at there release as a victory and return to cause even more attacks on U.S, soil. What could possibly be the reason for Obama to do this? We do not negotiate with terrorists. These terrorists being held captive will not return home happy. Why would we (Americans) even want to rescue this guy? He got six Americans killed. He openly despises America stating he wanted to leave so he left and got what he wanted. His parents also Afghan sympathizers in emails between them noted the son as being anti-American, ashamed of being an American soldier. and they tweet that God will repay for the death of every Afghan child! He's from Idaho. Maybe he should leave our country and go to Afghanistan since he loves the Taliban so much with his freedom of speech. The father also stands in front of our president during a rose garden ceremony and thanks allah! Does any of this raise suspicions or questions? Why did our president in making this decision, not consult the congress? We have been in Afghanistan more than ten years trying to dismantle this way of life.  Maybe when the terrorists after some peace talks respond by more deadly attacks on U.S. citizens, maybe then it will grab the attention of the powers that be.

Here are some questionable points. It has been verified that while Bergdahl was in captivity, he supposedly converted to Islam as a coping mechanism or as some call "Stockholm Syndrome". As confirmed by Bergdahl's fellow military, he displayed sympathetic feelings towards Afghanistan's cause, consistent displeasure with the U.S. actions and they were concerned with their safety because of Bergdahl's talks denouncing and walking away. The White House administration knew Bergdahl was a deserter, Susan Rice contradicted herself in the same day stating Bergdah's health was in question and then in another interview, confirmed that upon examining him, it was concluded that he was in good health. Obama admitted that the recidivism rate for releasing high level senior terrorists has a very high percentage for returning to the battlefield against the U.S. These men will kill our men. The past proves this. 

Lets look at the character of Sgt Bowe Bergdahl. He emails his parents the following; he's ashamed to be an American, he states the U.S. Army is the biggest joke in the world and he continues, the horror that is America is disgusting. Before this occurs as confirmed by three fellow soldiers, he purposely walks away from his guard post. When his shift ended he came back and asked his commander if he could bring his gun with him and leave. His commander said no. So he left his gun, took a compass and a canteen and walked. Obviously, this individual was ostracized from his unit, not well liked but still does not give him the right to his actions and at the same time putting other soldiers in jeopardy. Now supposedly, he ends up a prisoner of war. It sounds like an opportunity for the Taliban to capitalize on to me. They have a willing American easy to manipulate. Why not initiate a trade for five of their most dangerous leaders that America has detained. Also, I'm not sure but, if another country claimed my son as a P.O.W., as a father I wouldn't convert to the same religion (in support of their ways), a culture that believes in killing, martyrdom. I don't think I would be remotely interested in changing my lifestyle to represent the people that supposedly tortured and made an example of my son. It just does not seem logical. If we can see it and common sense pretty much makes this whole situation stick out like a sore thumb, why does Obama and the White House administration keep feeding us lies? Are we that stupid? I guess so because getting our one ungrateful soldier back and releasing the dream team of terrorists seems like a pretty good deal. Gee, I wish Obama could run for a third term! This reminds me of the story when McCain (presidential candidate) was being held captive. Kind of a similar incident however, when the time came for his release, he decided not to leave. Why, because he didn't want to leave his fellow soldiers also being held captive. Among other reasons, he would not leave anyone behind. For McCain. it was all or nothing. Not Bergdahl. Six fellow military in the process of trying to rescue him lost their lives.Six young men even though they may not have liked him, put their lives on the line to rescue him. Six young men that will not be able to return home to their family, loved ones and friends. Six men that were proud to represent the U.S, Army, proud to be Americans and served their country so we could continue with the everyday freedom choices that many take for granted. 

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